Welcome to our kindergarten classroom! I am Mrs. Nemeth and I will be your child’s teacher for the 2023-24 school year. I am so looking forward to sharing this learning experience with your children. Kindergarten is such a fun and exciting time for our little students! It is a time for exploring, learning and growing…intellectually, socially, and emotionally.
If your child is coming from a background in PreK, they may find our classroom to be a little more disciplined and structured than they are accustomed to. However, this does not mean it will be restrictive, on the contrary they will find it to be a nurturing space for learning and growth…a space where they will feel affirmed and encouraged to develop a love for learning and a love for Jesus!
Logistics and classroom information: Students will be seated at tables/chairs (not desks). Textbooks and pencil boxes will be stored in individual cubby spaces (labeled with your child’s name). Backpacks and lunchboxes will be stored in designated spaces in our closets. Please ensure that your child has a re-fillable water bottle; we try to minimize the use of plastic disposables. Please send only the supplies requested on the supply lists that were sent home earlier this summer; anything not on the approved list will be sent home.
We will make use of the picnic tables outside our classroom for both morning snack and our lunchtime meals…weather permitting. Information on our hot lunch opportunities will be forthcoming. I will also keep you apprised of any food allergies among classmates, and we may need to restrict certain food items (i.e., peanut butter). As a reminder, no candy or soda is allowed in school. Be assured that we do monitor your child during mealtimes and encourage them to eat their “non-sweets” first. We also have students return any uneaten food to their lunchboxes so that you are aware of their eating habits. If you prefer that they toss out any leftover food, just let me know.
Please make sure your child has a change of clothes in the event of an accident or emergency. Put one set of uniform clothes (shirt, pants/shorts/jumper, socks, and underwear), and one set of play clothes in Ziploc bags labeled with your child’s name. We will store them in our closet cubbies. Please try to have these in during the first week of school. Also, please make sure you check and adhere to the school’s dress code. On Mass days, picture day, and other designated events, students must be in full uniform (including navy vest, cardigan, or fleece jacket; or gray Gaels sweatshirt).
Your child should have a least two pocket folders: one for homework and one for completed classwork, newsletter, and other official school flyers. Please check for and review contents of the folders daily. Homework will go home every Monday and will be due Friday of the same week. Our homework will consist of a reading log, letter of the week project, math and/or letter worksheets and sight word practice. We begin and end each day with prayer so in the early weeks of the year, I will also send home prayers for students to practice and memorize.
Student birthdays will be acknowledged at school-wide weekly prayer services and quietly celebrated during our regular class time (student will wear a birthday crown and class will sing). I am also happy to pass along off-campus party invites through our ClassDojo.
If you have questions or concerns, you may contact me via email: tnemeth@csdo.org, or via message using ClassDojo. If you need to speak to me in person, I am not available at drop-off (7:45-8:00 am) or pick-up (2:45-3:00 pm) as my attention will be devoted to students during those times. I am available after 3:00 (leaving campus by 3:30) so please contact me if you need to make an appointment.
Information on specific curriculum and our daily schedule will be available at our Back-to-School night and posted to our school classroom sites (https://stleanderschool.org/classroom-sites).
Thank you for entrusting your children to my care. I am so looking forward to this year!